Bikepacking in Colorado
inspiration from the road

The Journal

Sharing inspiring stories from Colorado's majestic landscapes + practical tips and advice.
11 Tips to Descend Better and Faster
Like any skill, the best way to become better at something is to really work on it. Ask someone that is good at descending to ride with you – follow that wheel while descending. You can learn a lot of things that way.
6 Ways to Become a Better Climber
People think it’s this magical thing that only lucky or skinny people can do. This is a misnomer. Anyone can climb. Anyone who likes to ride a bike, can ride up a hill.
8 Things to Consider when Buying Cycling Shorts
The primary purpose of cycling shorts is to provide comfort. Designed specifically for men and women, cycling shorts make sure that padding is in the right places and seams are strategically placed to reduce chaffing.
Glossary of Cycling Terminology
Cyclists have their own lingo and language. Hopefully this list will help make sense of  it all. A aero: Slang for aerodynamic or streamlined. Anything that helps a cyclist combat wind. Aero devices include handlebars, bullet-shaped […]
5 Reasons Why You Should Own a Cycling Vest
Whether you’re a year-round commuter, fair weather fan with an annual event, or a seasoned racer, the humble vest is a key component to any kit. Here are 5 reason why you should consider a vest.
5 Ways to Avoid Getting Dropped
Whether it’s a team ride, weekend bunch ride or race, we all fear getting dropped. It’s either slowly losing the wheel in front of you bit by bit or knowing that the moment the road turns up, you’ll be moving backwards until you’re riding on your own.
How to Properly Hydrate When Cycling
Water is crucial to the function of your body, especially when participating in strenuous sport activities such as cycling. Water not only carries oxygen and nutrients to your muscles through your bloodstream, but it also helps pull waste away from your muscles as well.
4 Tips for Choosing a Cycling Jersey
Making a decision with regard to a jersey can be a bit daunting. These tips will help you understand what it is you're getting for your money and what a jersey can do for you and your ride.
7 Tips for Riding in a Pack
Riding in a pack can be intimidating, and even dangerous at times, but it’s an essential skill for racing and participating in large rides and events. There are good reasons for cyclists to ride in a peloton – efficiency chief among them. And if you’re racing, it’s a skill that is simply not optional.
10 Ways to Lose Weight Through Cycling
Cyclists seem to always be fretting about their weight… Maybe it’s the skin tight clothing. Or, maybe it’s watching as a rider half your size bombs past on an intense mountain climb–as if you were standing still.
5 Tips for Organizing a Weekly Ride
Getting together with your team or friends to ride is one of the most beautiful parts of our sport. The lifelong friendships, shared laughs, and connections made on the bike are among my favorite experiences.
8 Tips for Riding a Road Bike on Dirt
No need to stop having fun when the pavement ends! Many riders, especially those who are new to cycling, have a misconception that road bikes should only be ridden on pavement. But the truth is, road bikes can be safely ridden on all kinds of road surfaces, including cobblestone, dirt and gravel.
When to Wear Cycling Warmers
Warmers are a great choice for any cyclist because they are compact and lightweight, making them easy to pack and carry, while also being extremely effective against chill.
Cycling Clothing : What to Wear in Different Temperatures
It's 42°F outside, potential snow ahead and you've got 2 hours of climbing intervals ahead. What the heck do you wear?! This is probably one of the more popular questions one is thinking about pre-ride or asking fellow buddies and teammates.
All About Cycling Base Layers
Base layers are one of those items you seen on cycling apparel sites, but you’ve probably never thought about buying one since you weren’t sure exactly when to use it or why.
Layering for Frigid Weather
The Vertex WX-D Collection is the ultimate protection against brutal conditions and temperatures between 0° - 40° F.
5 Ways to Get a Friend into Cycling
None of us were born bicyclists. Well maybe you were if you are Taylor Phinney and both your parents were professional cyclists. But the rest of us had to get our start somewhere else. In my last post, I mentioned how a friend helped me get into bicycle racing.
Packing for a Bike Race or Event

As the outdoor cycling season gets underway, many of us are starting to go to races, charity rides, group rides or other cycling events. Being prepared and having all of your necessary items/gear will help you have a successful and fun day. 

8 Tips for Riding in Wet Conditions
Wet roads present a whole host of possible dangers for cyclists. If you watched the Tour de France this year you’d have seen even the best bike handlers in the world crashing out in the rain.
5 Drills to Improve Bike Handling
Many people think that the pros don’t work on their handling skills but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Most professionals routinely do handling drills to keep their skills at the highest level.  Being comfortable and competent on your bicycle allows you to focus on making gains in training and in competition.
How to Cycle in Hot Weather
It’s summer in the Northern Hemisphere and temperatures are hotting up. While each person responds differently to heat (some drive, others wilt) there are a few things you can do to beat the heat and ensure you have a good performance.