Human Powered Health Women's Cycling Team
inspiration from the road

Training Tips

Tips & advice
Cyclo-Cross Clinic Part 3: Fitness & Training
Cyclo-Cross Clinic Part 3: Fitness and Training In part one and two of our Cyclo-Cross clinic we have looked at technique and equipment, in this edition we move to how you can adapt your body and fitness to handle and demands of this highly intensive racing discipline. For those people who are new to cross racing […]
Cyclo-Cross Clinic Part 2: Equipment
Cyclo-Cross Clinic Part 2: Equipment In part one of the cyclo-cross essentials series we talked about the various techniques needed to race cyclo-cross. In part two we are going to talk about equipment choice, everything from tire pressure, specific tire choice, brakes, bike set up and even the importance of having two bikes. The correct […]
Cyclo-Cross Clinic Part 1: Technique
Cyclo-Cross Clinic Part 1: Technique Cycle-Cross has become one of the fastest growing disciplines within the UK cycling scene and with the ever increasing amount of newbies taking this sport up it’s important to get to grips with the basics of cross racing. The team at Dig Deep Coaching has spent many years learning, practicing […]