Human Powered Health Women's Cycling Team
inspiration from the road

Training Tips

Tips & advice
How to Deal with a Cycling Injury
Being injured probably taught me a lot more than if I would have been racing and training like planned. I think that I’m an easy athlete to work with but things are definitely different when you are injured. Have you ever been injured and had to take time off the bike?
5 Things that Speed Recovery with a Cycling Injury
Injuries come in many shapes and forms. Some are visible to the naked eye, some from over use. Regardless of how they occur one thing remains constant. REST is an important component for recovery.
3 Steps to Illness Recovery for Cyclists
Poor advice or over enthusiastic training can either send the athlete back into a relapse of illness or prolong the period it takes to resume full regular training again.
Train Smarter, Not Harder

"How many of you have overtrained?"  asked Dr. San Millan to a room full of 25 coaches and athletes.

Every single person raised their hand.

Everyone, at some point in their athletic lives, will overtrain. In the summer time it's easy to throw in extra mileage even though you've done 15 hours of riding that week and it's only Friday - what's the harm? And while it's ok to pile on the extra miles every once in a while, making a habit of it means you'll eventually find out why rest days are super important. And that lesson could cost you a week, a month, a season or a full year. 

Sleepy Time - How to Get the Most Out of Your ZZZ's
We’ve become obsessed with data and athletic performance: watts/kilo, time spent in specific zones, nutrition, strength training and conditioning - yet very little emphasis is placed on the importance of sleep as a means to optimize athletic performance. You work hard at hitting your numbers during interval workouts, gaining strength at the gym, logging your every move - but are you sabotaging your efforts by not getting enough sleep?
How to Sleep Well After Hard Training
“If all else fails, try taking melatonin 30 min before bedtime.” by ALP Cycles Coaching A lot of us use exercise to improve our sleep. However, for many of us, after a hard training ride, it can be tough to get a good night sleep. Here are some tips to help ensure a better night […]
Riding Hard and Recovering Harder
“Recovering on the bike is actually harder than it sounds.” by  ALP Cycles Coaching Everyone at the camp has been working hard with long endurance rides with pack handling skills, how to get up and over punchy climbs, technical fast downhill cornering, climbing in and out of the saddle, and eating cookies at the Cookie […]
After the Season is Before the Season
Why you should keep working with your coach in the off-season. by Patricia Schwager, ALP Cycles Coaching The 2015 road racing season is coming to an end. A lot of racers start to think about the off-season and look forward to taking a break from training and taking time off the bike. Most do not […]
Importance of Recovery
How seriously are you taking recovery? by Patricia Schwager, ALP Cycles Coaching Are you doing enough to recover from training and racing? A lot of athletes underestimate the need for recovery and the power of recovery. First important thing to do is cooling-down. Make sure you are doing a cool-down after finishing a race. No […]