Training Through Life

Training Through Life

“…when you can’t quite get to everything, do what you can when you can.”

by Mia Cheeseman, Athlete that works with Jennifer Sharp, ALP Cycles Coaching

Too often, life gets in the way of our cycling training. If it’s not work, it’s a relationship or family stressor that inverts itself ever so inconveniently, thus creating a challenge to find a way to balance it all out. This past year I lost a few members of my small family and I wanted to be there for the remaining survivors. But there’s the cycling plan. The plan in your Training Peaks calling out your name, “Youuuuu whooo, Mia!! You’re going to lose fitness and become a complete blob if you miss this week’s workouts.”

One way I found helpful to conquer that voice in my head was to take my workouts mobile. I brought my trainer, stretchy band, and dumbbells with me back home and set up shop in my Grandma’s garage (a balmy 32F that my workouts increased to 40F!). I only had one set of dumbbells so for some of my strength training, I filled up jugs of empty detergent (approximately 8lbs). It was my little slice of solstice and a solution that was close by to minimize time away from family. I’d slide into Starbucks and grabs a low fat turkey bacon sandwich for quick grub on the go (less than 250 calories, some protein) and a coffee (free refills for Gold Card members) and do 25 pushups in the restaurant bathroom. Unconventional, why yes, very, but hey, I got 90% of my workouts done without compromising too much.

cycling training

Striking a balance is a life long journey but it starts with good communication. Let your coach know and she’ll help by granting permission to do what you gotta do for your priorities in life. And when you can’t quite get to everything, do what you can when you can.

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