Why You Shouldn't Train Through Sickness...

Why You Shouldn't Train Through Sickness...

The most important rule is to always tell your coach as soon as possible if you are not feeling healthy or well.

By: ALP Coach Patricia Schwager

Lately, a lot of people are dealing with nasty seasonal viruses/flu that are going around. Athletes are a primary target because after intense training, our immune system are compromised and they can’t protect us, causing an "open window effect". That “open window effect” has a duration of about 3 to 72 hours. This is why it is very important to get enough and proper recovery especially after a hard ride, workout or race!

In case you are getting sick with the cold/ flu, below are a few tips to shut it down:

Keeping up with your training routine while you are fighting a cold or flu is very bad advice. Rest up and put your whole focus on getting healthy as soon as possible. It is very hard for an athlete to stay at home and to miss out on training or exercise, however it is the very best you can do for your body in order to get better as soon as possible. If you ride while you are sick, you take out more energy from your body...energy that your body would need to fight the cold/flu. Riding or exercising while having fever symptoms can actually cause damage to your heart. An athlete can take off up to 10 days from training before losing fitness in most cases. It's easier to build up at a healthy state than to recovery after days of digging into a sick hole.

Alp Cycles Coaching Training

Be aware when buying cough, cold or flu medication. Off the shelf or over the counter products may contain prohibited substances. Double check with USADA (https://indyfreelance.com/Home) before you buy or take any medication.

Once you are feeling "normal" again, you can start with some easy riding (low intensity!!). You should only return to normal training if you are also feeling 100% again. When you are feeling healthy again, increase the volume/intensity gradually to normal training. Ask your coach for advice. The most important rule is to always tell your coach as soon as possible when you are not feeling healthy or well.

Below are a few helpful tips and rules to preventing illness and practicing good hygiene. If you pay attention and use them, then you are on a good way to at least reducing the risk of getting a cold or flu:

 - Healthy diet of nutritious, well balanced food. Don't skimp on the carbohydrates, healthy fats and protein!

- Good hydration (Not just water! Always have something in your bottle: electrolytes, juice mixed with water, etc)

- Maintain vitamin and mineral levels (especially vitamin C, D and zinc, taking some sort of multi vitamin is a good idea too)

- Get enough rest after hard training sessions

- Get enough sleep at night (at least 7-8 hours)

- Keep life stress to a minimum

- Do not share food or drinks with anyone

- Minimize contact with sick people

- Keep distance from coughing and sneezing people

- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands

- Carry a hand sanitizer with you to keep your hands clean (regular and thorough hand washing will reduce your chances of infection- remember to wash at least 20 seconds!)

- Wash your hands before eating or after contact with other people, bathrooms, public places

- Dry mucous membranes (in nose and throat) also makes is easier for bacteria and viruses to penetrate our immune system. Practice good hydration (especially keeping throat hydrated) and use a spray or cream for your nose. This is most important in dry and cold climates and while traveling (airplane)

- Avoid over training and chronic fatigue, stick to your training plan

- Wear appropriate clothing to match weather conditions. You can always overdress, but you can't add layers if you're underdressed.

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Patricia Schwager began cycling in 1998, racing as a junior. After racing on the domestic level and completing her Diploma as Pastry Chef, she got her first pro contract in 2006. 2015 will be here 10th year of professional racing. Patricia has a lot of experience racing in the European peloton. In 2013 she started working with Shawn Heidgen (Current ALP Cycles Coach) as her personal coach. In 2014 she changed her focus to racing in the US. Patricia is a 6 time national Swiss champion and has represented her home country, Switzerland, at the World Championships 12 times.

For 2015, Patricia will race for Team Tibco. Along with racing she’s looking to share and pass on her knowledge in her new role as an ALP Cycles Coach. Visit her online at https://indyfreelance.com/