8 Things to Love About Cycling

8 Things to Love About Cycling

There are so many things to love about our sport.

by David Newcomer

I was doing some thinking on my ride this morning. There are so many things to love about our sport. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but these are things I share with others, too, about how amazing the bike is. 

  1. Versatility of the bike – Sometimes it serves a purpose. Sometimes it gets me to work or the grocery store. It always helps me get in better shape. And sometimes it's just a ride with my daughter or friends to catch up and go easy on.
  1. Radiation – Has there ever been a better time to be a cyclist? Road, Mountain, CX, Gravel, Randonneur, Racing, Single-speed, BMX, Bike sharing...I've even come to accept Electric. Every nook and cranny. It's all there for us.
  1. Transition and Mood Management – Getting into the office after a ride - whether it's a tough and memorable commute or a beautiful spring morning for the ride in - it is the best way to start any work day. And going home? Give me anything you want in my work-day, the ride home will amplify the good and wipe clean the rest.
  1. The Fans are Us – I don't want to make too many general statements, but there's something unique about fans of Cycling, Running and Triathlon. Most who follow these sports also participate in them. Cycling fans ride bikes. Football fans drink Lite Beer.
  1. New Gear – It's been a while since I've needed new wheels. And since I had the opportunity, I went tubeless on the road bike now, too. Wow! What a difference! Rejuvenation with a good, thorough cleaning, some new bar tape, tune-up, and a new chain can make all the difference. I don't struggle much to justify the cost of these investments.

  2. Speaking of New Gear – Have you got some bib-shorts that have seen better days? Is that rain jacket in the closet one that you're comfortable in or proud to wear when it's needed? We work hard in our sport. There's nothing wrong with looking good doing it. Check out the new Storm+ line and the Torrent Stretch Waterproof Jacket.

  3. Saying Hello - To the passing cyclists, kids walking to school, neighbors walking their dogs and a quick wave of thanks to the driver who makes sure they see you and give you space, saying 'good morning' pays dividends.

  4. The View and Company - I'm lucky to live and ride in Colorado. The mountains and views are amazing. Most mornings I keep a tally on the wildlife I see on my way in (always been a bird nerd), and I rarely see less than a dozen unique species. I do most of my rides alone, but I never feel that way.

See you out there!

About the Author

David, Customer Service ManagerA lifelong commuter and amateur racer in road, CX and MTB, David Newcomer has experience with just about every aspect of our sport. A former race director of the Bob Cook Memorial Mt. Evans Hill Climb, and Executive Director of one of the largest cycling clubs in Colorado, he brings a wide range of experience to share with others. David is the Customer Service Manager at Indy freelance and host of our podcast "On the Road with Indy freelance." You can reach him directly at [email protected]